

This Kills 25% Fat

The ULTIMATE NON-SURGICAL body sculpting favorite!

Okay, so you’ve tried diets and exercises and no matter how thin you look or how much weight you lose you simply cannot reduce those pesky stubborn areas maybe from your abdomen? Or the love handles, or even that double chin area. At Nowak Aesthetics this is not a new story! It’s an everyday patient case.

With an average of 20-25% fat reduction, CoolSculpting has become an ultimate non-invasive body sculpting favorite at Nowak Aesthetics. You have probably heard the word CoolSculpting already, but how familiar are you with this amazing technology? Look no further, check out some of the top reasons why CoolSculpting is our patients favorite non-surgical pick!

From the moms that are trying to get back in shape, and sneak in while the kids are at school. Get a quick CoolSculpting treatment and go back home like nothing happened. To the busy work-acholic that can’t slow down their busy life to really dedicate all the time they desire to reaching their body goals, CoolSculpting becomes the solution. Our CoolSculpting experience is one of a kind, combining ZWave massage and ditching the hand massage following each area treated plus adding an at home product, Alastin Transform, to increase results an even improve the quality of skin, Nowak Aesthetics offers the best CoolSculpting Journey.


Now, how does CoolSculpting do this?

Through controlled cooling! That’s right, this amazing technology delivers controlled cooling, cold enough to affect the fat cells only and nothing else! Causing a natural fat cell death, better known as apoptosis, your body will safely absorb the frozen dead cells and drain them out. You’ll help them exit your body every time you run to the bathroom, don’t worry! You won’t see them or feel them go, everything happens microscopically.


The best part of CoolSculpting?

Because everything happens naturally, there is little to no down time. That means you don’t have to slow down your busy life or take time to recover. You’ll start appreciating a difference on that fitted dress or the difference in those love handles popping our of your jeans in the next 3 weeks and continue to get better and better 3-4 months!


Sounds good, right?

With over 7 million treatments around the world, you can be sure you’re not the only one with body concerns and with body goals you want to reach without surgery. Learn more about CoolSculpting at Nowak Aesthetics.

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After 20 years of aesthetic medicine practice, we’ve perfected our craft into five signature looks to revitalize, renew, and re-vitalize our patients into looking, feeling, and being their best. Your next you is your best you.

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