

My journey with Biote at Nowak Aesthetics

I would say it’s probably been two and a half years when I started. I came in to see Jenny, and I came in for a filler consultation and Botox.

While we were talking, she gives me a mirror and she says, “Okay, so what do you want fixed? What do you see?” I start to cry, and I’m just like, I want to be me again. I felt like something was off. My brain and my body were not connecting. I was turning 40. I went to my doctor and I told him, “Hey, I’m hot at night and I’ve never been hot at night. I’m a little foggy. I feel depressed. I feel like I have baby blues, but my kids are older. I don’t know why I’m forgetting things. Things that were okay with me are not okay with me now. I’m extremely irritable. I want to yell at everyone on the road. I want to yell at everyone in my house.”

I couldn’t find peace at all. I had gained weight. It seemed like it was overnight. It seemed like 25 pounds. I woke up and boom, and I didn’t know where this came from. I am always bottom heavy, but I started showing carrying my weight in my stomach area, and that was different to me. So, when I broke down and I cried to Jenny about stop looking at my face as everything, she told me, “Hey, we’re having this event, and you should see if this works for you.”

I first and foremost asked if it involves needles, because I’m scared of needles. I cry when I get my blood taken. I cry for everything when it comes to needles. She just encouraged me, “Go, sit, listen, see what you take from that.” I walk in, I was a little weary. There was every seat taken, which that also made me happy. I’m like, okay, so other people may be feeling like me because I did feel alone. I felt like no one understood what I was going through. My doctor said I was too young to get hormone tested. People were saying, “You’re just depressed, and you have anxiety.” “Oh, it’s covid, weight.” “You’ve been eating too much at home.” No one really heard me and I did feel alone.

While I was there, they had me complete a survey, which I looked at, and as I went down each question, I’m like, oh, is this a symptom of hormone issues? What are night sweats? Like, I’m sweaty, 5-5-5-5, and I just felt like everything was a “save me” type of help and I need all the help I can get. So, I did it. I left and thought about it. Because of the event, I actually was able to win a comprehensive exam, which involved my blood being drawn. We did that, and not only were my testosterone, my estrogen, my progesterone levels low, my vitamin D was low, and I had a thyroid issue.

I was really happy, actually, to get that call from Jenny, because I wasn’t crazy. I knew that something was off, and we scheduled it. I came in did my pellets, and I’ve been doing them ever since. I have energy I can get out of bed. I’m not dreading waking up to get out of bed, because I’m so tired from not sleeping the day before. I sleep a good night’s sleep, and I have more energy throughout the day to get me tired to sleep all night. When I wake up, I’m ready to go get the kids ready for school. Let’s go ahead and start our day. Let me go to work, make dinner. Let’s do tutoring, like let’s do everything.

I feel like it saved me, in a way, and made me realize that I don’t have to suffer through whatever it is I’m going through. I don’t have to. I kind of just advocated for myself and I found something that worked for me, and it’s definitely life changing.

Try BIOTE Today

If you are located in the San Diego area and want to explore how BIOTE can improve your quality of life, Dr. Nowak and the team at Nowak Aesthetics can help. Feel free to give us a call at (619) 345-0357 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation.

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