

Men are Outspending Women in Cosmetic Treatments

We’re seeing more men come into Nowak Aesthetics, fed up with looking tired around the eyes and not being able to lose weight like they used to. We know that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, which is why we’re dedicated to tailoring our services to our patients’ goals. Depending on what the patient needs, the fix could be an improved skin care routine, a Botox treatment to relax excess facial movement, or body sculpting treatments to help lose body fat and build back muscle.

Skin Care Alert: Once Men reach their Early-30’s, they tend to spend just as much as Women on Skin Care products.

Upgrading your skin care doesn’t have to be complicated. A consistent skin care routine is something men tend to overlook, but can-do wonders to improve their appearance and reverse the signs of aging. As we age, our skin starts to feel the effects of stress and sun exposure. And once we reach our 30’s, we begin to notice a loss of volume, unevenness in skin tone, and an increase in fine lines and wrinkles. The solution to minimizing these effects could be as simple as applying sunscreen daily to protect against sun exposure, or starting a series of products to target the effects of aging.

Depending on how long patients have gone without proper care, they might need something more than just a good skin care routine. Using non-surgical injectables, we can address a range of concerns and help to rejuvenate any problem areas. If they’re concerned with lost volume, we can apply filler to the tear trough and the cheek, which restores some volume and helps lift the face.

And if they’re seeing a lack of definition in the jawline, we can fill it out to bring back definition and lift the neck. Combining dermal fillers, targeted skin care, and a bit of non-surgical tightening to the cross feet, frown lines, and forehead, we can help patients reach their goals with non-surgical treatments that don’t require a big recovery time.

Age is just a number: The untold advantages of body sculpting for men

A big concern men face as they age is the change to their hormones. Growing older brings a gradual decline in testosterone levels, and they start to slowly gain body fat and lose muscle mass. Patients who share and lose muscle mass. Patients who share this concern tend to come in looking to improve their midsection area and we have plenty of body sculpting treatments to help.

Our personal favorites are the EMSCULPT Classic and the Emsculpt NEO, which help build muscle, break down fat and tighten the tummy area. We also recommend CoolSculpting, a popular non-surgical treatment with men who don’t like a large recovery time. If the patient is looking for more dramatic results, then he will come spend the day with me doing our ThermaLipo procedure where we are going to shape and contour that midsection, tighten that skin and potentially tighten up that muscle all in one procedure. That can be a little more dramatic depending on the results that they are looking for.

All of these treatments can be totally customized to the patient.

Men’s perception towards beauty is changing. With more men embracing cosmetic treatments we are expecting a huge change in the industry. Whether you’re looking for a more youthful glow or body…. We at Nowak Aesthetics are ready to welcome you and your goals!

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After 20 years of aesthetic medicine practice, we’ve perfected our craft into five signature looks to revitalize, renew, and re-vitalize our patients into looking, feeling, and being their best. Your next you is your best you.

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