

Look Your Best with Body Sculpting for Men

Most people assume it’s all about women when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape, but men are equally interested in looking healthy and staying in shape. They watch what they eat, work out at the gym, and seek to look as slim as possible. This is exactly what the new, revolutionary treatment called CoolSculpting® was designed for – to reduce fat under the skin for both sexes. This amazing non-surgical treatment eliminates stubborn fat that is difficult to reduce or jump starts those who need to lose more, without physical effort or discomfort. Here at Nowak Aesthetics, we are proud to offer body sculpting for men and encourage you to learn more about it.

Freeze the Fat

CoolSculpting® got its name because it freezes the fat cells in the area treated with a handheld tool. After a short session in the doctor’s office, the fat cells in the treated area will die, and then they are naturally washed out of the body. In a matter of weeks, you will see a difference as the cells are washed away from the area and the sculpting begins. Within a few months, the process should be completed and all the frozen fat cells washed out of the body forever. This is great news for both men and women!

Thousands of men have experienced this effortless way of losing inches and looking younger and in better shape. When you look better, you feel better, so confidence returns. Because it is non-invasive and non-surgical, this new process can be performed right in the doctor’s office. During the process, recipients may watch TV, work on their phone or read, and experience little to no downtime. When the CoolSculpting® visit is over, many patients return to work or go about their regular activities.

Once all the frozen fat cells have left the body, there will be no more improvement. The fat cells that were frozen cannot return, and it is a misconception that the recipient will also lose several pounds as well as inches. The CoolSculpting® treatment eliminates the fat cells, which reduces the fat, but the result is beautiful sculpting with a weight reduction of only a few pounds. But you’ll look like a million bucks!

CoolSculpting® is for Men, Too

Men take pride in having low body fat, and they can work on the large muscle groups like the shoulders, arms, and legs, but they still suffer from those stubborn pockets of fat around the belly, on the lower back, and arms. CoolSculpting® can be the solution for eliminating those condensed areas of fat. If he is happy with the first CoolSculpting® treatment but would like more definition, or sculpting, the doctor may be able to apply a second CoolSculpting® treatment. This is a great option for body sculpting for men and is well worth consideration.

If you have any questions about this amazing way to enhance your appearance and would like to know more about body sculpting for men and women, make an appointment with Nowak Aesthetics. At our convenient location in Chula Vista, CA, our caring and dedicated team of professionals will be pleased to explain your options in full and answer any questions you may have. We’d love to help you look younger and increase your self-confidence, all in one visit. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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