

Key Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration

Most cases of hair loss are caused by a condition called androgenic alopecia, an inherited condition where the hair follicles react abnormally to prolonged exposure to androgenic hormones; it is more commonly called male-pattern baldness although many women are also affected by it. Although hair loss and balding do not cause any medical issues, they can cause serious issues with self-esteem. However, nowadays in Chula Vista, PRP hair restoration is available. The key benefits of PRP hair restoration include:

It Works

Several randomized and pre-post clinical studies have shown that platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments can stop the balding process and restimulate hair growth. The PRP, which is quickly isolated from the patient’s own blood, is injected into multiple sites on the scalp. The growth factors in the PRP immediately go to work inducing the hair follicles to start growing hair again. 

It is Very Convenient

A typical PRP treatment only takes about an hour. Usually three treatments are given at monthly intervals and visible hair regrowth starts to emerge after the third treatment. Then, a yearly maintenance treatment is required. Contrast that with the use of minoxidil, which has to be applied twice a day every day, and the various oral medications that are used to treat male-pattern baldness that have to be taken every single day. 

There is No Recovery Time

After the treatment, patients can immediately return to their regular activities after each session. Contrast that with the recovery from a hair transplant: two to five days of rest before returning to work, bandages applied to the scalp, and the need to take pain medications and antibiotics for a period of time after the procedure. 

There are No Visible Signs of the Procedure

Since the PRP is simply injected into the scalp, patients look exactly the same after each treatment; they can go off to get their treatment at lunchtime and return to work afterwards. This is in total contrast to a hair transplant, where in addition to the need for time off work, the back of the head is often shaved during the procedure, hair suddenly appears overnight where it didn’t use to be, and then it falls out a few weeks later to be gradually replaced by new growth.

Get In Touch with Us for More Information

If you are interested in getting PRP hair restoration, feel free to make an appointment with Nowak Aesthetics. At our convenient location in Chula Vista, our caring and devoted team of professionals will be pleased to explain this option in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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