

BOTOX® Under Eyes: Is It Effective and How Does It Work?

If you are considering BOTOX® to treat the areas under your eyes, this could be the right treatment for you. It is used widely to treat a variety of cosmetic issues, particularly the ones that develop around the face.

In this short guide, we’ll explore the potential that BOTOX® has to manage your issues. First, we’ll look at the ways it is used to treat problem areas around the eyes. We’ll then examine the ways that it can be used under the eyes in particular.

How is BOTOX® used for eyes?

BOTOX® has a long history of being used to beautify the facial areas around the eyes. It is used to treat:

  • Crow’s feet
  • “11” lines
  • Asymmetric eyelids and eyebrows
  • Droopy eyelids

Let’s look at each of these conditions in more detail and how BOTOX® is used to treat them.

Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet are lines that spread out from the outside corners of your eyes. They are caused by the contractions of small muscles over long periods of time.

Blinking, squinting, and other common motions can cause them to develop. As a result, Crow’s feet can appear deeper and more obvious than wrinkles that grow on different parts of the face.

Nearly everyone is at risk of developing crow’s feet eventually, and they are one of the most easily recognized signs of aging. Naturally, many people want to get rid of them, and BOTOX® is a popular solution.

BOTOX® injections are made around the skin where the crow’s feet appear, causing the muscles to relax and the skin to appear smooth again.

“11” lines

“11” lines are lines that form slightly above your eyes and between your eyebrows. They are commonly called “frown lines” because they form in response to the frequent use of the facial muscles used for frowning.

Unfortunately, a sunny personality doesn’t mean that you’re at low risk for developing these lines. As you get older, the skin in this area gets thinner. Eventually, these lines become far more likely to develop.

BOTOX® treats this problem by blocking the facial nerves that cause your muscles to contract. The skin may appear smooth and younger as a result. This typically lasts for six months until the muscles begin to move normally again.

Asymmetric eyelids and eyebrows

Asymmetric eyelids and eyebrows are (an often hereditary) condition that affects the appearance of the eyes and causes them to appear differently from one another. While some people are born with this condition, it can also occur as a result of aging.

BOTOX® is used in cases where the asymmetry involves less than 4mm of difference. In cases where there are more prominent differences, a surgical option may be recommended instead.

When this issue is treated with BOTOX®, small injections are made to specific areas around the face. When applied with targeted precision, the injections can plumpen some areas while leaving others where they are.

Droopy eyelids

Droopy eyelids are a rare occurrence when BOTOX® is applied across the entire forehead. Droopy eyelid is a rare side effect when choosing a licensed clinic and an experienced cosmetic doctor to apply your injections.

However, this condition is not often the result of errors. It is not always possible to predict how BOTOX® will travel once it has been applied. When it moves in unwanted directions, it may cause the eyelids to droop.

Fortunately, this condition can be treated with additional injections that are smaller and more precise.

This list only covers the ways that BOTOX® is used around the eyes. This treatment has significantly more uses all over the face. It is used to create a more youthful look on the forehead, neck, cheeks, and nose.

Beyond that, it has been approved by the FDA for a number of medical uses, including treating various muscle spasm issues around the body. It can also be used on the hands to prevent excessive sweating.

BOTOX® has also been approved to treat some more serious medical conditions. It has been used to treat overactive bladder and lazy eyes effectively.

How is BOTOX® used under the eyes?

BOTOX® may be used under the eyes to treat the wrinkles that develop there. This can be a tricky area even for experienced cosmetic specialists. The skin may not achieve a youthful look if the wrinkles are caused by age-related thinning.

This is considered to be an off-label use because BOTOX® has not been approved for these specific uses. However, that doesn’t mean that it is illegal to use BOTOX® this way. Cosmetic doctors and their patients may agree on a treatment plan that involves under-the-eye injections.

BOTOX® is not effective at treating dark circles under the eyes. The most significant problem with dark circles is the color. The color is a result of vessels that become visible underneath the skin as a result of aging. BOTOX® does not affect the visibility of these blood vessels.

Is BOTOX® the proper treatment for you?

BOTOX® is a highly effective treatment that has been used to manage many different kinds of cosmetic and medical issues. Now, you know some of the potential it may have to treat problem areas under your eyes.

You’ve learned how BOTOX® works when applied to problems around your eyes. You know that it can be used to treat wrinkles, crow’s feet, frown lines, and asymmetric eyelids. You also understand that it has many other uses, including promising medical capabilities.

If you want to treat the areas under your eyes, you will need to discuss your needs with a cosmetic specialist. During a consultation, you’ll be able to learn more about what is possible.

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