

Feeling Good: From the Inside Out

Nowadays, with social media being such an integral part of our lives, people are seeking aesthetic treatments more than ever. While I love helping patients feel more confident in their appearance, I get equally as excited to help them feel better from the inside too!


Who doesn’t need a little boost of energy in their life?

If only I had a penny for every time I heard someone say “I’m tired”. Don’t get me wrong, I am guilty of that too. Sometimes if feels like despite doing all the right things, you can’t keep up with the world. This is a sign telling you to check your hormones. It could be testosterone, or it could even be your thyroid. Although testosterone is typically identified as a male hormone, it is important for women too! Testosterone can help increase energy, improve memory and focus, reduce body fat and increase sex drive. It can also help increase bone and muscle which is especially important for females as we are more prone to osteoporosis. Now, the thyroid hormone is essentially our metabolic regulator. If you are producing too much, you can feel nervous, agitated, heart palpitations or feel hot all the time. If you produce too little, you can experience brain fog, low energy levels and weight gain. A tweak in either of these hormones can make all the difference on how you feel day-to-day.

What to do:

  • Get your hormone levels checked. Most likely, you are deficient in either testosterone, thyroid, or even both. At Nowak Aesthetics, we do a comprehensive blood analysis and then create a treatment plan based on your lab results and more importantly your symptoms.
  • Schedule your BioTe visit. I love the BioTe treatment we do in our office because it doesn’t require you to take pills and suffer from a hormonal roller coaster. Instead, we place a pellet no bigger than a grain of rice, in the fatty tissue of the glute. At that point, the body establishes a blood supply which provides steady levels of hormones at all times.



Ladies… Your tightness, could be dryness

As women, we tip-toe around the conversation of vaginal dryness. But why? It’s something that most women experience. It could be we are embarrassed or maybe the pain during sex can come off as though we’re not interested in having sex. While some of us may not even realize we are experiencing vaginal dryness at all. Instead, it is confused as tightness because the lack of lubrication creates difficulties when initiating sex. I see this time and time again with my patients and it’s not until we have this discussion, that they realize what’s really happening is vaginal atrophy or dryness. The hormone Estrogen is what maintains collagen in our skin. As we age, our estrogen levels decrease and that’s when we start noticing major changes to our skin ALL OVER our body.

What to do:

  • Treating the underlying cause is the first step on the road to natural lubrication. Not just ANY estrogen will do – we want bioidentical Estradiol for best results with little to no side effects.

BONUS: Hormone replacement of estrogen can also help with any hot flashes!

  • Vaginal rejuvenation treatments like Ultra Femme, use radiofrequency to treat from the vaginal canal to the labia majora and minora. Treating from the inside will encourage more blood flow and collagen stimulation in the vaginal canal and as a result you will notice more tightness and lubrication. While treating from the outside, helps with the overall appearance and tightness of the labia.



Beat the plateau and elevate your exercise

Whether it’s your first day working out or you live at the gym, sometimes you just need a little bit more help to get you to the next level. Most patients either want to increase their core strength or build out their glutes but will sometimes reach a point where they stop seeing improvement. What if I told you, you could do 20,000 sit-ups or 20,000 squats with maximal contraction in just 30 minutes?

What to do:

  • For the abdomen: EMSCULPT NEO! This treatment uses both radiofrequency and high intensity electromagnetic energies to reduce up to 30% of fat while increasing muscle growth by 25% or more. It’s perfect for areas like the abdomen, and thighs where you want to reduce more fat.
  • For the glutes: Emsculpt Classic is the way to go because it focuses more on building muscle rather than trying to eliminate too much fat from that area. Both Emsculpt Classic and Emsculpt Neo are achieving contractions that we would otherwise not be able to do.

These are just a few of many ways to start feeling better from the inside out! All of which we offer here at Nowak Aesthetics. Be sure to come in for a consultation to get a treatment plan started for you!

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After 20 years of aesthetic medicine practice, we’ve perfected our craft into five signature looks to revitalize, renew, and re-vitalize our patients into looking, feeling, and being their best. Your next you is your best you.

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