

Your Skin Loves Consistency

Everyone starts their skin journey somewhere. If you’ve never given it much thought before, now’s the time to get a little more serious about your skin.

When setting your skin goals, it’s important we set realistic expectations. You are always going to have pores and it’s impossible to get rid of every single line on your face. Setting your sights on achieving the “glass skin” you see online is just going to leave you frustrated, disappointed, and feeling like you’re not doing enough. To keep this from happening I want to help you figure out how to set realistic skin goals for yourself.

Your skin goals should be specific, realistic, and attainable. There is no pressure for perfection if we are taking steps forward. Let’s talk about simple changes you can make to better your skin health.

Be specific with your goals. Take an honest inventory of your skin, then pick three things that you want to work on. The main concerns we hear from patients on a day-to-day basis are pigmentation, large pores/breakouts, fine lines, and wrinkles. When treating these concerns, it’s crucial to be patient and consistent. You aren’t going to get lasting, long-term results quickly. Trust the process and with our help, your best skin days are yet to come!

Repeat after me, Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen!

Cue me yelling in Oprah’s voice “You get a sunscreen, you get a sunscreen, everybody gets a sunscreen!!!”

I could go on and on about the importance of sunscreen, but I’ll spare you the time. Everyone should be wearing sunscreen daily. No matter your skin tone or how cloudy the weather is. Even if you are indoors most of the day, if you are in front of a screen you are exposing yourself to blue light from your computer screen and mobile phones. This prolonged exposure can damage your skin leading to premature aging and pigmentation. Sunscreen is the easiest way to protect and prevent skin damage.

Use this, try that

Our Nowak Aesthetics Daily Sheer SPF 50 is a fan favorite! It’s hydrating, lightweight, and easy to blend under makeup. For those who love a tint for a quick put-together look, try our Nowak Aesthetics Protect and Glow SPF 50.

Pigmentation Issues?

Our skin is amazing and does so many things for us. The production of melanin (which appears as brown spots) is our skin’s way of protecting us from the sun. Some of us are more prone to pigmentation than others. However, with the right products, we can help suppress the overgrowth of melanin and brighten our skin’s overall appearance. Our superstar products are Nowak Aesthetics Super C Serum is an amazing melanin suppressor and Nowak Aesthetics Clear Skin Therapy Pads contain Arbutin and Kojic acid with the option to add Hydroquinone to brighten your skin for a beautiful even complexion!

Houston, we have a pore-blem

If you have acne, chances are you also deal with having large pores. Large pores are an indication of the increased size of oil glands and oil production. One of our hero products Dr. Nowak always recommends for minimizing pores and sebum production is Retinol! Our Nowak Aesthetics Rejuven-A Cream aids in effectively fighting breakouts, while fading wrinkles, fine lines and improving overall pigmentation after just 12 weeks!

Don’t shy away if you experience sensitivity, Retinol is made to change your skin’s function. Start by applying it every other night and combine it with Nowak Aesthetics Aloe Plus to combat any sensitivity, such as dryness.

As early as 25 years of age our collagen production slows down. The skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic. The loss of collagen leads to wrinkles and fine lines. Luckily, there are medical-grade skin products we can use to slow down the signs of aging and even take steps to reverse them.

SkinMedica TNS Advanced+ Serum and Neocutis Bio Cream Firm use innovative skin-rejuvenating formulas. Such as growth factors (natural substances made by the skin cells that support collagen and hyaluronic acid production in the skin.) and peptides (amino acids that make up specific proteins needed by the skin to boost collagen and elastin.) To improve the appearance of sagging skin, coarse wrinkles, and fine lines. This power duo will rejuvenate your skin for a smooth and radiant look!

Once you are using the right products, the next step to achieving and maintaining the absolute best results is your commitment. We’ve all been there; we lose track of our skincare and end up running out which makes staying consistent that much harder.

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After 20 years of aesthetic medicine practice, we’ve perfected our craft into five signature looks to revitalize, renew, and re-vitalize our patients into looking, feeling, and being their best. Your next you is your best you.

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